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- ;
- ; Sid Meier's ALPHA CENTAURI
- ;
- ; FACTION FILE: Manifold Caretakers
- ;
- ; Copyright (c) 1999 by Firaxis Games, Inc.
- ;
- ; ALPHA CENTAURI reads the rules of the game from this file at
- ; startup. Feel free, at your own risk, to experiment with editing
- ; this file. We recommend you make a backup copy of the original.
- ;
- Manifold Caretakers, The Conservator, Caretakers, F, 2, H'minee, F, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1,
- ALIEN, 0, DEFENSE, 125, SOCIAL, +PLANET, TECH, Biogen, TECH, InfNet, TECH, Ecology, FACILITY, 3
- Economics, Planned, PLANET
- nil, nil, nil
- Caretaker, Careta.
- Hackjob, Peter, Hackjob Hovel
- Guardian, insightful, reactionary, unyielding, horrific,
- Walking Atrocity
- preserve the sanctity of the Manifold
- to keep the Usurper plague from defiling Planet
- wiping Planet clean of our kind
- wiping Planet clean of our kind
- turn Planet into one big Mind Worm preseve
- picking fights with anyone who opposes her vision of a pure Planet
- picking fights with anyone who opposes your vision of a pure Planet
- 'species cleansing' in the name of the sanctity of the Manifold
- alarmist singsong, M1
- grand experiment, M1
- 'grand experiment', M1
- energy modulation obligation, M1
- Manifold sanctity preservation
- my Harmonic Acolytes
- the Tau Ceti Accord of 31.5
- Decision : Manifold
- Tau Ceti Memory
- Manifold : Sixth
- Resonance : Power
- Resonant Node
- Hymn : Modulation
- Adapt to Live
- M'dar Holding
- Tower Preserve
- Phantom Forces
- Balance of Nature
- Star Harmony
- Energy Nexus
- Vinculum
- Melody of Souls
- Greater Harmonic
- Worlds : Within Worlds
- Home : Hearth
- Vision : Sound
- Great Intertwining
- Caretaker Reverence
- Thought : Seed
- Consonance
- Overtone Song
- Conservator's Mantle
- Harmonic Acolyte
- #END
- Carapace Point
- Wavesound
- Bird : Cry
- Ripplesound
- Sea : Wind
- Echo Bay
- Nest : Water
- Island Shallows
- #END
- Tau Ceti Flowering: Horrors visited upon neighboring systems must never be repeated.
- Therefore: if it means the end of our evolution as a species, so be it.
- ^
- ^ -- Caretaker Lular H'minee
- ^ "Sacrifice : Life"
- ^LEADER: {Caretaker Lular H'minee}
- ^BACKGROUND: {<Unknown>}
- ^AGENDA: {Prevent Transcendence}
- ^TECH: {Progenitor Psych, Centauri Ecology, Field Modulation, Information Networks, Biogenetics}
- ^
- ^+25% Defensive combat: {Can sense and manipulate "Resonance" fields}
- ^+1 PLANET: {Understand workings of Planet, the Sixth Manifold}
- ^Free RECYCLING TANKS at every base
- ^"Energy Grid" at each base: {Increased infrastructure generates additional energy}
- ^Make Planetfall with a Mk I Battle Ogre and extra Colony Pod
- ^All prototyped combat units have 2-square sighting radius ("Resonance" sensitivity)
- ^Can direct research efforts (rediscovering technology & infrastructure)
- ^Possess a physical scan of Planet's surface
- #xs 440
- #caption $CAPTION7
- "Pointless skirmishing: distracts from true menace: hated Usurpers. Blood Truce: requested and required immediately."
- "We don't want to stand in your way, $NAME3. Blood Truce : accepted."
- "YOU are the true menace here, $NAME3. This war shall continue!"
- #xs 440
- #caption $CAPTION7
- "Although ultimate goal : return Planet to native state : in interim, our cultures can co-operate. Treaty of Friendship : sign please?"
- "We don't plan to move anytime soon, $NAME3. But we can probably work together for the short term."
- "Why hasten our own demise by working with your kind? Sorry, but we can't sign your Treaty."
- # ; This line must remain at end of file